On Thursday night we took over the event space at Edinburgh marketing agency Whitespace and held a party for our staff, clients, family and friends. As well as enjoying some food and drink, we laid on a special magic show from Gary James which had everyone enthralled. One particular trick involved Neil signing his name on a five pound note, which was later found folded up inside a lemon, which was itself inside a locked box. Chris and Neil made a short speech, and everyone went home with a special birthday cupcake.
Last week we celebrated our 10th birthday as a company with two very special events.
On Thursday night we took over the event space at Edinburgh marketing agency Whitespace and held a party for our staff, clients, family and friends. As well as enjoying some food and drink, we laid on a special magic show from Gary James which had everyone enthralled. One particular trick involved Neil signing his name on a five pound note, which was later found folded up inside a lemon, which was itself inside a locked box. Chris and Neil made a short speech, and everyone went home with a special birthday cupcake.
Happy Birthday!
(Hollie, Dariusz, Kelly, Keith, Maria, George, Neil, Chris, Katrin and Gemma)
On Friday afternoon we headed off to The Edinburgh New Town Cookery School for the inaugural ‘One Accounting Great British Bake Off’. Our task was to split into teams and bake some tasty treats which were then judged by the Cookery School’s Mel & Sue.
The winning team were Katrin (Victoria Sponge), Gemma (Cheese Scones) and Chris (Vanilla Biscuits). We had a fantastic time and celebrated afterwards with a pint in the pub – the end to a great couple of days.
Here’s to the next ten years!